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Implementation Strategy

Phase 1: Improvement



The trail is filled with litter that people have carelessly leave behind. We hope to gather a group of student volunteers to help clean up the trail for all to enjoy.


While attempting to minimize human interference, the informational signs and benches are added. Signs should be made out of appropriate materials to fit in with surroundings and withstand weather conditions.

Phase 2: Promotion



Trail maps and info guide will be included in all student orientation packets, admissions folders, and student handbooks. Also, maps will be available in a weatherproof box at the trail entrance, as well as downloadable from this site and the Bryant website.

Click the map on the left to download one now!

Appropriate signage clearly marks each entrance and welcomes trail visitors. This sign will encourage them to take time to observe the life around them and learn from the experience.


Once all renovations and additions are complete, the trail will have a grand re-opening to raise interest. Guided tours and Trail Challenges are possible ways to attract new visitors.

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